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Starting with 2 x 60 24Bit-Pictures "CHA" and "CHB" we want to create some
animations using fading and special effects.
-"CHA" will be wiped into the picture
-"CHA" will be played quite normal
-"CHA" will be roteted (360°)
-"CHA" will be twirled
-"CHB" flies into the picture in a smalle size
-"CHB" will be scaled to full size
-"CHA" will be fadet out and a little bit displaced
-"CHB" will be played quite normal
-"CHB" will be fadet out
All session- and process files are stored in the same called directorys.
To generate the needed animations you have just to:
(f.i. animation "chab_wipe.yafa)
- use the graphical user interface:
*converter: load the session file "chab_wipe.session"
*converter: press the "Convert" gadget (or just press <Return>)
(the needed process file "chab_wipe.process" will be loaded by the
sesssion file without user interaction.)
But we want to learn how the processor works. That`s why you should make
the animations yourself, following this tutorial! If you managed that you
will know how to work with WIldfire and it will be eas for you to produce
effects yourself!
So first read the Preface !